This week at SUU was homecoming week. There were many activites to attend, cardboard boat races, movies in the pool, Powder Puff football, True T-bird night, and best of all Rocking Red Friday.
At Rocking Red Friday if you wore read you got entered into a prize drawing if you were wearing red and got some free stuff. There was also a corndog food truck that had a pretty decently long line up until the end of the event.
There was also a live band that played music during Rocking Red Friday named the SUU Red Rockers. They performed the song Sweet Caroline, which was a definite crowd pleaser. The groups of students gathered around the band all sang a long to the chorus, it was a lot of fun.
During the event there was also a group that staged a protest. There were about fifty people all protesting climate changes. There was a leader of the group screaming at passing by college students to join them in there protesting. Mostly, all of the college students just ignored them. It was a little hard to focus on the live music while they were protesting, but they were only there for around an hour.
Even though the protesting was a little distracting the event was still super fun. The music was good and happy going, the corndogs were a nice option and smelled pretty good, and giving away prizes for wearing red was also a super good idea.